So today I was able to clean the living room really well. Moved out furniture and swept everywhere. Rearranged too! Also moved items from one spot to another to make space to fit in a few extras in a few spots. It will help out. The Wee One and her beau need a place to put there items while they are visiting. So was able to clean out my games cabinet so they can put clothes there for now instead. Also have figured out a better bedding solution too. At least one that works for me.
I am also looking at what I can do to make the future a lil easier for a few. I have books for College Girl to cash in at Hastings. It goes on a card and she will make her Christmas purchases from this account. I also contacted a friend or two about books I have to get to them. BTW Heather, you sent back your box of books by error. Holler at me. Oh and Robin won the Mosaic Bible giveaway. I sent her an email to let her know. Congrats. I am working on 3 other giveaways for this month also.

I hope all is going well for you too. Tomorrow will bring more work. Lovely cool air like today. And maybe a bit more rain. Let's all be thankful for what we are enjoying. Oh and by the know my books are here as reviews. Many publishers are kind to send them to me but do not pay for my thoughts or opinions. Those are just free!
See I had no idea you kept all the cans facing front :) I'm getting there... And the day I do I'll be wearing nylons and white gloves! lol