Fresh Start

Would you like a "Fresh Start"? Like a refreshing drink of cool water, so many of us need to "rehydrate" with life.

So many of us are trapped by harmful habits, behaviors, and attitudes. I know I struggle to become the person God created and called me to be. Doug Fields, the pastor of Saddleback Church, says it’s never too late to get a fresh start. He has written a book filled with personal stories and a fresh approach in his writing. Age doesn’t matter; fresh starts are for everyone.

Topics in the book include:

* Dealing with pride
* Defining success
* Living with guilt
* Struggling with conflicts
* Finding true friendships
* Overcoming discouragement
* Facing rejection
* Attacking anger
I found that reading on how I can handle my guilt is important. I feel guilty when I eat. And then I get angry that other people can eat and I can not. Of course then I start to binge. So the cycle starts again. In removing the guilt of eating, as it is necessary to my survival, I can learn to start eating in normal proportions. Knowing that God does not want me to feel guilty nor go without the food he has provided for me gives me a tool to use. I get to have a "Fresh Start" on my eating habits.

Where do you need a "Fresh Start" at? What is the downfall that pulls you back time and time again? And how are you going to get back on track? Maybe it is time for you to read "Fresh Start" and see where it leads you.

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Yippee! You came to talk to me. Thanks.
You know how special that makes me feel?
Like I swallowed the moon and the stars and I just shine now!