In doing so I have noticed how we look at things as we grow. Weather it be viewed from Princess Emma to Granny M, each age range has it's on set of priorities. So it made me think about what are some things we can do as parents to help in each age range as our children grow from babes to college age. And with brand new babes around we have to start with Baby's First Year. I have The Essential Guide to Baby's First Year that I want to share with my step son and his wife for their newborn babe, The Turtle. I think it is something that will come in handy for a first time mom. Just today she was asking me how to stop his hiccups. I looked it up to see if there was something I did not know. But alas, as we guess, there's not much you can do but soothe them with a pat on the back. What we do naturally. There is tons of information here though. Weather it be looking at feeding issues, milestones on the first year, those common illnesses that bother us so or just how thing happen and change. I want to get this to her in the mail as soon as possible. Stacy look out for it!
For parents who are making baby food for the first time, try starting with a simple fruit puree recipe, like this one from page 177:
Vegetarian-Vegan Fruit Compote
-1 apple, cored and sliced
-1 plum, sliced
-1 peach, peeled and sliced
-1 slice of lemon
-Pinch of cinnamon
-2 tsp. brown sugar
-2 cups water
Boil water with the sugar and cinnamon. Add the fruits and cook until they are soft. Squeeze the slice of lemon over the mixture. Cool. Serve as is or on top of a waffle or pancake (A great breakfast option).
Now Princess Emma is starting school this year. The oldest Grandbabe is in 2nd grade too. Education is becoming the focus for their families. I love that we have so many learning aids to help them out. P.E. is using the learning to read DVD set that I gave her last month. I hope she becomes a great reader like my Grandbabe is. She read to her baby brother every evening when they were here for their last visit. What is your focus with the kiddos starting school soon? Getting back into the swing of things? How to maximize study time? Schedule changes and getting on track? I have my College Girl who is going to be moving into her first apartment this year. I wonder if she will be returning home next summer or not. Will this be her last time at home or will she be one of the Boomerang Kids? It has become well known that many of the young 20 year olds often strike out on their own but if things get tough they return home. It is like a trial independence that many feel has lead to a failed adulthood. I remember my older brother having to return home after his first time out. He was greatly depressed. I am looking at how I can help CG to make these changes in her life. Also to accept that there may be those in and out times of life. I love how parents can help children overcome the following challenges:
Missing home and family: loneliness after moving out on one’s own
- Managing increased freedom: increased discretionary choice
- Unemployment: seeking or losing a job
- Indebtedness: overspending and credit card living
- Stress: coping with excessive demand
- Fear of the future: facing what to do with one’s life
Of course are we helping our kids learn how to make decisions, have a good attitude or to try and make it in these hard times? I love sharing with College Girl. And have handed her three books that may just help her out. This summer she met people who were joy robbers and energy drainers. It was such a bummer for her to find that some people just go out of their way to make your day a lil bit harder. In sharing Attitude, Try and Decide with her, she can put out a positive first step when meeting people. Also work hard on making the best of her every day life. Most of all not to give in to those who test our good nature. As Karen Okulicz says "You Can't Out Think Crazy". Keeping that in mind we can make the best decisions for our own lives and not give in to what other peoples opinions are.
And last off is when you do get school out of the way, settle down in your life and the day to day living really sets in. Then we find that we are often over whelmed with how hard it is to just stay caught up on our responsibilities at home. Taking care of the home is a job that is never ending. I am glad that I do not have the thought that Granny M has. She told me "Why clean like mad, it just has to be done again tomorrow." Well I do not like to clean like mad but I do want a neat organized home. I have found that doing chores in small bites works well for me. I wake early by nature so I use that quiet time to get dishes done, sweep and mop and do the dog yard. It really only takes a few minutes for each task. Also I can do many lil jobs in between other activities. I do not watch much TV but there is the odd show I would not want to miss. But I hate commercials. So when they pop on I can pop up and change out a load of laundry, make a bed or even sweep the front porch. Just lil chores that can pile up on you when ignored. I have Totally Together which gives me shortcuts to an organized life. Many of the ideas in it were common to me but to have a daily planner included for chores, meals and seasonal jobs helps out. All divided up in bite size chunks. It keeps me from feeling overwhelmed but thrilled with the success of a job well done. I would fully recommend it for those that need that lil extra boost in managing a household.
Well these are my hints at ways to help your family at different levels of life. What hints would you give me? How about ways to help a 77 year old change? Okay, I know that will never happen. Wait...wait....she did. She stopped smoking after a life time habit. She is taking good care of her health now. And stays very active with friends. Dang if I did not give her enough credit. Granny M, Good Job! Also thanks to all that have sent me books to read and review. I am thrilled with them. Great way to help my family and me too.
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Like I swallowed the moon and the stars and I just shine now!