Joel 1:8
Mourn like a virgin in sackcloth grieving for the betrothed of her youth.
“Have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep believing, the dream that you wish will come true.”Dream is a Wish in Your Heart
We all have times where we are having to grieve and from that we then enter into recovery. That spot where the light begins to shine once again in our lives. We have all had to go through this process. It is not anything that we wish to do but a part of the life process. How we handle it is where we each show our strengths. Myself, crying is where I do not do well. I try so hard to hold it in. It feels as if the damn will burst and never stop. Of course we all know that it will eventually flow to an ebb. Thankfully I have not had to deal with as much grief in my life. Having lost family and friends but coming through it fine in the long run. I so feel for those who become stuck in the grief and do not experience the recovery at all.
There are ways to help with this process. And one of them is learning how others have managed with it. In Chicken Soup for the Soul Grieving and Recovery, you can find those stories of how so many have healed in time. I have loved every CSftS book that has crossed my path. They have helped to brighten my days and also to show me just how life goes on. Have you found that the way these books are laid out with short true stories has helped you? Thankfully the lovely souls there are willing to share with us once again. Three are 3 books to giveaway. And it is easy to enter, just leave me a comment.
1. Tell me how you have handled grief and recovery in your life.. That is the first thing you have to do to enter. Make sure I have an email to reach you too!
2. Want an extra entry? Follow me on GFC. If you do....then tell me you do. Gosh that was easy.
3. More ways? Ok follow me on any of the following and tell me how you do it.
Twitter--@CrazedMind Leave me a tweet when you follow or telling me your following.
Face Book--Lenore Keough Webb friend me, let me know your coming from Crazed Mind!
I will pick 3 winners on 3-20-2011. Make sure there are emails in your comments!
I want to also thank That's Baloney! for letting me join up in the perfect pairings once again. You should join in on any given Sunday.
DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copies of these books to facilitate this review. No other compensation was provided.

Grieving is a difficult thing. You are very right there. Loss is dealt with differently by everyone and it is always helpful to see others expeiences and learn from them.
ReplyDeleteI follow you on gfc, twitter and facebook.
I grieve in very strange ways. Its like I don't grieve at all... I will break down and cry when the news is fresh... but then I let it all go and thats that. I am not sure why that is... except that I know my loved one is in a much better place, so why grieve when they're happier and healthier where they are now?
ReplyDeleteThen I realize, I can grieve for myself. For missing them. Except... I know that I will be seeing them again someday. So I rationalize too much, I think.
extra entries for jenjo3d:
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extra entries for jenjo3d:
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extra entries for jenjo3d:
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Grieving is so hard.. I have found that sometimes the hardest part is that you have to remember that everyone grieves differently... For me.. when I am grieving I surround myself with family and friends.. Its the only thing that helps me... Recovery.. what a long road it has been... I am so thankful for the family and friends that I have as they have helped me on the Recovery road.. sometimes doing normal things, extra special.. or just sitting there and talking.. It all helps. I am very blessed.
ReplyDeleteI am a Friend on GFC!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for playing along with the pairings today!
ReplyDeleteGrief is just so complicated and we all handle it so differently. I'm sure the book is great!
Grief is so personal. I don't handle losing loved ones well at all. When my father died, shock took over and kept my mind numb for weeks. I was in a state of denial and disbelief. I think it was the initial shock factor that got me through the first few weeks.
GFC follower (shay)
Most people, when they see grief, think of a death of a loved one and I have learned grief is so much more than that. It could be something little or something huge... I used to seek somewhere to be alone... Since I began this walk, I have to force myself to not get wrapped up in my own little world... If I allow that then I begin to lose myself in that grief. Now I find solace in Him, I seek out others who need to be helped or who just need an ear/shoulder/friend... Yes I may be hurting, however I have found others who are pretty much in the same boat as I, once I allow myself to open up. And I blog, no idea where I would be without a channel to get my feelings out :) :)
You are also a FB friend and about to join you on Twitter so I will message you there as well :)
Following you on Twitter now - Over there I am serenity9503 :)
ReplyDeleteSerenity said...
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