I love the new season of TV. It provides me with evenings of enjoyment...yes I have my favorite shows. But you know what, the kids are excited too. Why? Well they have new shows too. You know how fast they memorize everything they have seen. So it is great that new shows are coming on for them too.
Now I am a PBS mom/nonnie/aunt/sitter. College Girl was raised on PBS shows. She still loves the Sesame Street characters in her mid twenties. PBS Kids has so many great shows that are educational and entertaining too. One of Princess Emma's favorites is Arthur Read. ARTHUR, based on Marc Brown's best-selling books, ranks alongside Curious George as the highest rated weekday children's series on PBS among children 6-11. The new season starts on October 11th. And we are waiting to see all the friends gather once more.
"This season, we're hoping to empower our young viewers to go after their goals and dreams. Whether that means becoming a wheelchair basketball champion, or expressing yourself through writing, drawing, and making movies, Arthur and his friends show kids that determination and hard work really pay off," said Executive Producer Jacqui Deegan. I love this idea. I know that Princess Emma is dreaming of dancing all of the time. Many people would look at her and say she is a chunky lil girl....she can not dance. But instead she has her cheering section that loves to see her delicate ballets put on.
Also new this season, Arthur and his friends team up with Martha from Martha Speaks in a new game called "Marthur Stickerbook Mashup." Kids can choose characters and props from each show to create unique mashup scenes. I have been having so much fun playing on it myself. Yeah Yeah, moms can be kids too!
Thanks so to PBS Kids for sharing a review copy of Arthur's new season with us. We loved the sneak preview!

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Yippee! You came to talk to me. Thanks.
You know how special that makes me feel?
Like I swallowed the moon and the stars and I just shine now!