Giving Away Love

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
-Leo Buscaglia 

When was the last time you petted your dog or cat.  Did you rub their ears?  I bet they snuggled closer.  Just like that last time you gave the kids a good night kiss.  Burrowing down into the blankets with a look of contentment on their face.  How about rubbing Dear Hubbys shoulder after work one day.  Remember how he let out his breath and really relaxed.  Loved it when your hand reached out automatically to be taken into another?  Yes touch can really effect us.  And just as strong can words, a look, that compassion your feel radiate to you.  We need each other to survive.  That is the net that holds us together, love. 

I enjoy reading other people's love stories.  Some are amazing trips of passion and fire.  While thiers are reminders of the lil things that matter so.  But they all help me focus back on those I love so deeply.  You can get that same effect while reading Chicken Soup for the Soul: True Love.  Story after story that melts your heart.  I found the story titled 'Dancing Lessons' paticularly moving.  Why, well I believe that dancing is a way for our bodies and souls to entertwine.  It is the pure act of joy that moves our bodies to the sound of music.  To share that joy with the one you love and loves you back is a step to pure bliss.

So what moves you?  Where is your story?  Does true love come to you in humor, romance, deeply or on a soft whisper?  What was the story you heard from your parents, grandfolks, friends that made you suck in your breath and think "Yes"?  Would you like to share more of those moments?  Well of course I would not tease you and not share.  I have been lucky to share 3 copies with my readers....that's you!  So if you would like to get a copy then just leave me comment.  I ask that you tell me something about love.  Love found, love lost, love crawling up into your arms.  You can get more entries by doing a few of the following things.  You can follow Chicken Soup for the Soul on Facebook.  Also tell me what Chicken Soup for the Soul books you would like to see reviewed and giveaways here.  Another for following me, facebook, twitter...leave a comment for each place you follow me at. Make sure your email is with you profile or on the comment. I will have a winner within two weeks.


  1. I pet my cat and dog every morning. Of course, I don't have a cat or dog so it's a little weird...

    Hey, I can get into your blog today.

  2. To me the most romantic thing my husband could do for me is to help me out around the house :-).

    Animals can bring out the best in people. I love watching especially my youngest pet and love an animal. I also love hugging a horse on a cold winter day with the sun shining on my face.

  3.'s difficult to be selfless, yet that's what love is!

    feh79 at yahoo dot com

  4. The best form of love in my opinion is to have lost...Lost something that meant so much to you, yet you have the chance to find something so much better that wasn't even being looked for in the first place - Yourself.

  5. I love Chicken Soup for the Soul books! Love is spending time with my grandson!!

  6. I never knew true love until I became a mother

  7. what a wonderful book! i will definitely be reading it! :) about is unexpected and when it arrives it's everything you thought it would be and nothing like you thought it would be all at the same time. <3

    by the way...there's an award for you on my blog! stop by and check it out!

  8. I would love to read the chicken soup for moms. I am a mom =)

  9. I <3 my kiddos! There my world!

  10. My husband loves me, and that is the best love possible second to God's love for me!

    aigcanada7 at hotmail dot com

  11. "like" chicken soup for the soul on facebook (hannah kn..)

    aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com

  12. I would like to see a review or giveaway on the chicken soup for the soul books on New Mothers or Grandmothers.

    aigcanada7 at hotmail dot com

  13. follow you on twitter (achrissmile)

    aigcanada7 at hotmail [dot] com

  14. ­­­­­I follow on GFC ( hannah . chrinahxxx@..)

    aigcanada7 (at) hotmail [dot] com


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Like I swallowed the moon and the stars and I just shine now!