Of course tough times are in many forms. One family I know of right now is sitting at their 7 month old daughters bed. Waiting. Not knowing if the Doctors and staff are going to be able to help heal her damaged heart. I so understand the fear they have and the deep love for their child as they sit and wait.
Of course Princess Emma and the Grandbabes look at tough times as a day with an empty cookie jar. Heck, I even hate a day like that. But what do we do in tough times? How do we hold on? What motivates us to get up again. Too keep trying for one more step, day, event?
I think it is part in knowing we are not here alone. We have God beside us, often carrying us through. Our family and friends are often in the very same boat with us. Mostly helping us row with that one oar that is left. People have done this before us...and came through stronger. We can grow and have patience and strength by hearing their stories. In Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People there are many of these such stories. And an abundance of hope, faith, love and trust within the same pages. Stories that lift us up. Stories that teach us lessons. Most often stories that touch our own souls.
And....the best part! We are going to share these stories. Yes, once again I have been graced with 3 of the Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People to giveaway. So if you would like to get a copy then just leave me comment. I ask that you tell me something about making it. What gets you through your tough times? What was some of your hardest challenges? You can get more entries by doing a few of the following things. You can follow Chicken Soup for the Soul on Facebook. Also tell me what Chicken Soup for the Soul books you would like to see reviewed and giveaways here. Another for following me anywhere....here, facebook, twitter...leave a comment for each place you follow me at. Make sure your email is with you profile or on the comment. I will have a winner within two weeks.
DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy of this book to facilitate this review. No other compensation was provided.

Lynette ~
ReplyDelete"What gets you through your tough times?"
The fact that He sees the absolute utter best in me when everyone else sees the utter worst.
"What was some of your hardest challenges?"
The past 19 months have been a living you know what and there isn't enough space to put it all down here.
I follow you here and I am off to hunt you down on FB.
Lynette ~
ReplyDelete"What gets you through your tough times?"
The fact that He sees the absolute utter best in me when everyone else sees the utter worst.
"What was some of your hardest challenges?"
The past 19 months have been a living you know what and there isn't enough space to put it all down here.
I follow you here and I am off to hunt you down on FB.
what gets me through is knowing that i have a huge support system of family and friends and God doesn't give me anything I can't handle
ReplyDeleteelkmeese at yahoo dot com
Hey, guess what I got in the mail today from Comanche, Texas? We'll be reading i t tonight for bedtime.
ReplyDeleteGod gets me through the tough times and probably the hardest thing for me was moving away from my support system and feeling so alone. I would love to win this book!
ReplyDeletemkzellmer at yahoo dot com
When I awake everymorning the first thing I say is "Dear Lord, please give the strength to get through the day and bless my friends and family.
ReplyDeleteDuring some days, I find myself saying it many times.
I am a follower by google reader.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
Hey Kiddo! I'm entering your Chicken Soup for the Soul Give-Aways. I follow you on Google.
ReplyDeleteLove ya bunches!
I already follow you on Twitter
ReplyDeleteGod Bless!
I follow you on FaceBook.
ReplyDeleteGood morning!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a fantastic book. I will be honest, I haven't read any of the Chicken Soup books (but I know there are many).
I have been a follower for quite a while now.
What gets me through? That one is pretty easy - God. I know that through Him all things are possible, no matter how daunting it seems.
Hey - when you get a chance check out my giveaway (my first of hopefully many) http://katsdailyinspiration.blogspot.com/2010/09/my-first-ever-giveaway.html
It runs through Saturday so don't wait too long!
My Biggest challenge, Hmmmmm, I've had quite a few. I guess the biggest one was and still is "letting go" and "letting God."It is so hard for me to just let God handle my problems. I find it so hard just to let go of the reins and say ok Lord, I know you know what's best for me and what's ahead, so you take over and I'll just sit back and watch what happens. You know what? That's what He wants us to do. Oops! There I go "preaching" again. Sorry 'bout that. I have come to the realization that when I do this I'm actually preaching to myself, and God is dealing with me.
ReplyDeleteLove ya!
I am now following Chicken Soup for the Soul on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteGod bless!
Hey Kiddo! MY final comment for this give-away. Earlier I stated that my biggest challenge is letting God have "FREE reign on my life to handle my problems, because I keep wanting to do it myself. Well, really I guess I got these questions out of order. What gets me through my Hard Times is Knowing that I do have a God to depend on. Knowing that things will be better off if I just leave them alone and go to God and ask Him to handle whatever the problems are. He already knows them but we have to invite Him into the situations or (our life) to intervene. I sometimes forget that part and wonder why He didn't just automatically do it. Of Course I know the answer to that, but that is for another "book". LOL!
ReplyDeleteLove ya bunches!
Hey Kiddo! You thought I was done with my give-away comments, didn't you? I forgot earlier. The CSFS that I would like to see reviewed are many, and it was hard to choose, but since I have to , I will say I would like to see "CSFS "Devotionals for Women", "What I Learned from the Dog", and "Count your Blessings". Is that too many? Anyway, You know how I am about making up my mind.LOL!
ReplyDeleteLove ya,
Hello my friend....I finally stopped by to see your giveaways...I am still feeling really bad but I will be better soon...I would love to win this book Chicken Soup for the soul....I love this books...I am a big reader so I am going to enter all your giveaways...
ReplyDeleteWell, for starters....If I didn't have a wonderful Hubby and a terrific Aunt Judy that I could turn to when times get tough I would probably be locked up somewhere in a Mental ward.
I am now following Chicken Soup for the Soul on FB (Tammy Graham)
Grr, dumb internet keeps messing me up.
ReplyDeleteI follow you on Facebook (Tammy Graham)