DADT Debate

Well where do you stand on the DADT debate? Don't know what I mean? Okay, the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy with our military. The 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy of the U.S. military dictates that no homosexual or bisexual military officer can reveal details of their sexuality while serving. This policy was overturned this last week. Now it should be that all can serve and not be worried about being released due to their sexual orientation.

With memorial day just behind us I was curious as to how this new change in policy will free so many to serve and be themselves. How many of our military had to hide their true selves in order to be there to protect our country and its interest? Did they feel shamed in doing just that, hiding within a great tradition and service? Will we now feel pride in allowing people to be just who they are?

College Girl recently was visiting with family here at our home this weekend. A wonderful couple that are raising their interracial granddaughter. Here on our front porch we share their lives for a lil while. The struggles of these two men who have served in quiet retrospect while giving their all to provide for the communities they have lived in. Many times having an uphill battle to just be allowed to have the right to be part of that community. Some our greatest citizens of the world have had that same battle. "Queers in History" (an encyclopedia style book) shares that many people have lived the DADT policy. In this book we saw so many people in history that gave to our world experience while also having a different sexuality than those around them. College Girl was thrilled to share this book with her "cousins". Here we learned that many politicians and military along with artist, writers, musicians and entrepreneurs shared the same history.

For example:
An heroic soldier, Deborah Sampson, in the US Revolution was actually a woman in disguise, who "married" another woman after her service in the Continental Army? When Deborah's true identity was discovered she was denied here veterans pension.

James Buchanan, U.S. President, had a male roommate that was so close that they were called the "Siamese Twins". In 1994 Bucahanan's grave was vandalized with words about his sexuality.

So with this how do you feel about the DADT? Is it good that the policy is to be dropped? Was it there to protect the people that had to be quiet about their lives? Or should we be able to stand up for who we are in what ever perspective we have? If a man or woman is only as good as their word, then how does that reflect if they have to hide who they are?

DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy of this book to facilitate this review. No other compensation was provided.


  1. i think DADT is a disgrace. what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own rooms is their business.

  2. Hey Kiddo! Just wanted to stop by and say hi. I joined you in the "Product Preview Place", but don't know what to do from there.

    God Bless!



Yippee! You came to talk to me. Thanks.
You know how special that makes me feel?
Like I swallowed the moon and the stars and I just shine now!