Notice any difference?

Well I do not know if these photos are going to do any good. But 1st is my before picture. And of course the 2ND one is the after picture.

Well I don't see much in the photos but some in person. Just a little lighter on the hair.

I tried using Nice 'n Easy 98 Natural Extra Light Neutral Blond. LOL Yeah you don't see it either do you?


  1. I see a little bit of difference in the pics...though the lighting looks really different too. Did you bleach or just color?

  2. just color did not want the sting of the bleach knew i would not be blond but was hoping for a bit more of a difference. i left it on for 45 min. max time allowed.

  3. Yay!!! I can comment!

    Sorry that the color didn't work! Sometimes with dark hair it just makes you go red. Though I can't tell from the photos if it did that or not.

    I always have my neighbor do my hair with the professional stuff...all of my diy hair colors haven't turned out so well. ;)

  4. Oh man! I hate it when that happens!! Well, you still look FAB-U-LOUS though so pttthhh on Nice 'n Easy! lol



Yippee! You came to talk to me. Thanks.
You know how special that makes me feel?
Like I swallowed the moon and the stars and I just shine now!