A Red-Eared Slider turtle Wikipedia |
I want to share it as it makes me think of my littlest grandbabe. His nickname from us is Turtle. So in honor of him here is some turtle care info.
If a tortoise is crossing a busy street, pick it up and send it in the same direction it was going – if you try to make it go back, it will turn right around again. We all need to educate our kids on the real risk of contracting salmonella from turtles. Wash your hands thoroughly every time you touch a turtle or its water. And always leave a turtle out in nature. They have their own homes on their backs, they do not need ours!
Scott Wayne (aka The Turtle), Nonnie and Coppie adore you. Hope to see you soon and that you get over that horrid ear infection soon. Hugs and kisses lil man. Now for his Momma I have something for you today too. I know how you love reading and the Chicken Soup for the Soul books are favorites of yours. So it makes sense that you are going to love CSftS Stay at Home Moms. Have it right here with your name on it. I wonder if anyone else would like a copy? If so holler at me. Know that I can give away 3 of them since Chicken Soup is always so generous. Leave me a comment if you want a copy. I will pick 3 people to share with.
I will leave you with a stanza from the poem "Everything" by Andera Lehner that is in this copy of CSftS.
What do I give my children?
Everything I wish I could be,
And by the time they're grown,
Even the parts I wish I weren't.

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Yippee! You came to talk to me. Thanks.
You know how special that makes me feel?
Like I swallowed the moon and the stars and I just shine now!