One of the ways I can do this (beside sharing my old friend of a book with them) is to let them hear the story 'My Name is Not Isabella' by Jennifer Fosberry. Isabella uses her imagination to turn her world into an adventure. She make believes she is many different extraordinary women. From Annie Oakley to Rosa Parks and on to Marie Curie and then some. I love that this shows how we can use our imagination to travel into new worlds and explore other lives. I know that Princess Emma dances for us and puts on her ballets. She loves to pretend she is a beautiful and loving princess to all around her. And we do help foster that dream of being a special lady to her family. My grandbabes pretend to be race car drivers and soccer stars. The dream of play is a wonderful place to reinforce that our lives will grow and expand into unknown areas. What 'hats' does your lil ones put on? Are they pretend chefs, moms, firefighters and presidents?
Another book that helps us teach our children that they are here for a purpose is "You Were Made to Make a Difference" by Max Lucado and Jenna Lucado Bishop with Natalie Gillespie. I can read this and translate the lessons for the lil ones. But this is a perfect book for your tweens and teens. It is a book and a workbook. I love it when a book encourages you to write in it. I never seem to have a good book I learn from that does not have writing in the edges or someplace. So to have that space to express and think is a plus. Here Christian based lessons are reinforced with practical applications. This is the teen adaptation of Out Live Your Life. See your child at any age learn that they are loved and can make a difference in this world. Weather it be by donating toys to the local Christmas organization or by helping in a soup kitchen. Kids are a source of power that we can only guide and direct. Then watch out, for once they are on fire we see amazing thing happen.
I was lucky enough to have both of these books sent to be for a review. Now I am challenged on how to help pass them on.
I also have the winner for MasterPuppet Theatre. I did the random number generator and it picked...

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Yippee! You came to talk to me. Thanks.
You know how special that makes me feel?
Like I swallowed the moon and the stars and I just shine now!