But that is sometimes the way it goes. You know you can be mom, nonnie and that sweet lady at bible study for so long. Then that other you comes busting out. The one who longs for adventure, walking on the other side of the tracks. Well of course, I live my fantasy life in my books. That is why I am such an avid reader. And I adore a good mystery and thriller. Do you?
Well while I was reading my latest 'Beat', I have found that I am also going to give you a chance to win one of two of this book. I was taken with Hayden Glass who is not only a robbery homicide detective with the LAPD but has his own problem with trolling the internet looking for a fix for his addiction. Yes, like too many, he has fallen prey to his own job and is addicted to pornography. (Yes, you see that word here.) Like too many, this is an area that is pushed away from the surface and looked at only in the dark corners where no one is. But because of that, so many horrors can happen. Glass discovers that he has fallen into the trap of becoming involved and worrying about the object of his obsession. He finds a labyrinthine of crime rings and corruption in the sex-slave trade of San Francisco. And feels he has to not only save the girls involved. But better yet, he has to get a handle on his own addiction in order to be of any help to anyone else. It is hard enough to battle the demons outside but to do battle with the inner demons at the same time is a harder task.
I so enjoyed that this did not gloss over the parts of life we tend to ignore. But instead brought to life the humanity of our own deep obsessions. Weather it be to sex, food, love....whatever....there is so much that we want to be able to obtain. Often doing more harm to ourselves in the long run. Hayden Glass may be a hard nose cop but he is also human. And like us, wants to succeed in his own wars.
Stephen Jay Schwartz has done a great job of making Hayden Glass a full character. I think you would be drawn into his novel as much as I was. And to see if so, then you get a chance to win a copy of 'Beat'. I have two to giveaway to my readers. Of course all you have to do is leave a comment. Today's question for entry is, What is your demon you battle? Ouch, a hard one. But this way you too see we all have things to overcome. Mine? Depression and mental illness. I fight it daily. And some days I win even. Now make sure you leave me an email so I can notify you when you win. I will announce a the winners in two weeks too. Get ready to 'Beat' your problems too.
DISCLOSURE: I received a complimentary copy of this book to facilitate this review. No other compensation was provided.

1st to comment, ugg! My demon is depression as well. Too many things to do and not enough time, and here we sit on this darn computer. My second demon is FaceBook.
My demon is fear of failure. Sometimes it paralyzes me from even trying because I SO don't want to fail! I think it comes from wanting to be a perfectionist. I know it's unrealistic, but I constantly struggle with it.
ReplyDeletewilburnnewsome atyahoodotcom
My demon is my foul mouth. I can control it, but when I get mad or am just yakking with my friends, some f-bombs will fall. I have worked on it on and off for years. If I kick that, I just might try to wean myself off the Diet Dr. Pepper. I have a 6 pack a day habit.
ReplyDeleteMy demon is food/overeating-I'm a constant yo-yo dieter and can't ever seem to win the battle
ReplyDeletehmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com