Time to Regroup

Well it is Monday morning and things seem to be doing well.  Wait, Wait....not morning?  Dang it.   I am still running a day late and a dollar short around here.  But slowly catching up on things.  So it is Monday AFTERNOON and I am half way through my daily to do list.
Cover of "Behavior Change Log Book and We...Cover via Amazon
Also in all of my housecleaning I have come across some great information to share.  The first is how I have been working to change my bad habits (like a messy desk) and stay healthy too.  I am so ditzy sometimes and it really effects my mental health.  But thanks to Stephen L. Dodd, I am using his log book and journal to get back on track.  The Behavior Change Log Book and Wellness Journal is a great tool.  It has been wonderful in helping me learn how to change my eating habits.  Bad lessons picked up through out my life and wast to manage my food and exercise.  I have been able to use some of the methods in here to also get back on track with my housework, blog reviews and monthly bills.  Yeah, I am one of those people who tries so hard to keep it all together that I tend to lose my own head.  Now I am using an effective tool and suggest you may want to look into it if your battling the weight like I am.

I am also using D. Ivan Young's book Break Up, Don't Break Down to help me through some other changes. We had a roommate here for a year and a half.  And finally he is gone!  That is the good part.  But I am still dealing with all the mess of a break up of the friendship.  A messy breakup at that.  Now is the time to do the hard work.  The clean up, they are gone and I can get on with my life and time to make new friends and socialize.  Does not sound so hard does it.  But in this lil 2 mile by 2 mile town there is no distance from anyone or anything.  All of your business is known (most times before you even know it) and you run into everyone everywhere.  I really hate to feels such animosity toward someone but at the same time I really never wish to see this person again.  It has been a messy year and half that should never have happened.  It has me questioning my judgement in people.  And it feels like a divorce and custody fight with our combined friends.  Thankfully I can use all the information in this book to get on track and not let it bring me down. 
Sorta like the rest of the back to school moms (even if mine is in College), I am so glad to have a schedule again.  To know what I need to do and get it done.  And to finally have my home back for just my family.  So how are y'all doing with the back to school changes?


  1. I could use that book. Is it mostly a journaling book or an information book?

    Breakups are never EVER easy. Even if they are mutual. :-(

  2. Hey Kiddo! That first book sounds like it would be helpful, but as far as the "eating habits" thing, well, you know how that goes for me. I just read on Charmed21's blog that cleaning your "living area" for 23 minutes burns 200 calories! I commented and told her that confused me because....(I told her about the houses I clean and how long it takes me and said it looks like all those calories are still around my middle!LOL! Anyway, I'm still hurting pretty bad, but I'm going to try and clean a house tomorrow. I told Neita I wasn't gonna promise anything though. Hopefully, as long as I don't sit down, or strain, I'll make it through it.

    By the way, I'm fixing to post the answers to my Quiz Questions LOL! I have faith in you. You know the questions and I know you know where to find the answers.

    Love ya Bunches and God bless!



Yippee! You came to talk to me. Thanks.
You know how special that makes me feel?
Like I swallowed the moon and the stars and I just shine now!