
Well College Girl made a mad dash through the house at lunch time. She needed some $$ and I

Visa Debit logoImage via Wikipedia

had to cash a check that was left here for her. I am glad she is only 45 minutes away. So it is not a long drive for these type of trips. But, if, well. . .it would be nice if I could have just put the $$ onto a Prepaid Visa and she could use the card in her purse. It would make it easier.
I am looking into the program we wish to use for this account. I do know that I can reload the card at Taylor's where Dear Hubby works.
So how do you handle this type of situation. Do you mail money to your CG? Or do they have a debit card to your account? Have you created a credit card for them and would you prefer if it is prepaid? I know we do not need any unexpected expenses. And just the gas to drive home and get money is just that much more to add to the $$. What have you found works for you?
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1 comment:

  1. If my kid needs money he has to work to earn it! Get out on the street and sell those prescription meds little dude! ;^)


Yippee! You came to talk to me. Thanks.
You know how special that makes me feel?
Like I swallowed the moon and the stars and I just shine now!