Keep Calm

Contemporary rendering of a poster from the Un...

I have been pretty quiet here for some time.  Life gets busy and we divert our attention to other things.  Lately I have been focusing on keeping our home going financially and figuratively.  But Dear Hubby is back at work now and maybe I can slow down some.  Taking more care of our home and more care of me too.

I have been missing out on some parts of my life that are important to me.  Mostly daily scripture reading, daily exercise and time to focus on my home.  Hopefully this will all fall back into place for me.  We are trying to do what we can to keep life calm and peaceful for the most part.  That means mostly knowing just how much we can take on at any given time.  Making adjustments as new things are added and old things are removed.  But also knowing not to get stuck in the ruts either.

So here I am once again looking at another year beginning.  What do I want out of this one?  I think I want a lil more organization.  A lot more downsizing.  And to focus on my spirituality.  Let's see how it goes?

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Yippee! You came to talk to me. Thanks.
You know how special that makes me feel?
Like I swallowed the moon and the stars and I just shine now!