A Day to Honor

Thanks to the Dept of Veterans Affairs for the poster.

Today is Veterans Day.
Today we will have such an honor.
Today we remember.

In our lil town here in Texas we have a yearly ceremony to honor the veterans. It is not fancy but it is moving. At our local high school there is an assembly. Where the students pay tribute to the veterans. We sit quietly and watch them file in. Many old and stooped over. Often with canes, wheel chairs and aids. But there is also the mid age coming in too. Standing tall with a hat or a pin or a vest on, reminders of their time served. And now we have young men and women attending. Dressed in full uniform. Home for a visit, just beginning their tour or having returned from doing their duty.

You see students wipe tears. Others quietly move down the bleachers to hug one they honor. Many place their hands over their hearts. Most hold their breath. It is a quiet time to see so many file in.

Then there is introductions, speeches and much much music. Tributes are paid and a flurry of kids who rush the men and women to say they love them. I am telling you it is quite moving.

Today, I get to help. My Dear Hubby is the commander of our local AmVets organization. And it is arranged to help transport the 20+ veterans from the local nursing home. Half are in wheel chairs. Thankfully the school district is helping provide a handicap bus for them to be transported in. Afterwards we will travel to the local DAV building. There members are putting together a lunch for these folks. Then we will help them return to the home they now have. I hope I can do a service today. I hope I can convey how proud I am to be able to help in a small way. I hope I can let them know how much I honor their service.

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Yippee! You came to talk to me. Thanks.
You know how special that makes me feel?
Like I swallowed the moon and the stars and I just shine now!